Tuesday, November 27, 2007

NYU 2008 Continuing Education and Certificate Program

NYU’s Continuing Education and Certificate Program:
Highlights of the 2007-2008 Academic Year

This spring, the Continuing Education and Certificate program at NYU’s Center for Publishing is offering leading-edge courses designed to prepare you for a fast-paced industry in which traditional and digital media are rapidly converging. In addition to integrating digital publishing into our curriculum, we have created many "how to, hands-on" courses that will give you the practical knowledge you need to further your professional development.

Explore Editing, Marketing and Branding
Publishing has never been so captivating—and so complicated—as editors take on expanded roles creating brand extensions for their core products. The following new courses will help you refine and expand not only your editing skills and mindset, but grasp the latest print and online marketing and promotional tips from the pros.

  • X59.9122 New! How to Be a Book Editor: An Inside Look at the Editorial Process
  • X59.9521 New! Magazine Editing Workshop
  • X59.9908 New! Promotional Writing That Works: How to Create Great Marketing Copy for Print and Online
  • X59.9551 New! Brand Development: Maximizing Your Magazine's Potential
  • X59.9580 New! Inside the Business of Magazines

Delve into Digital
Worried that you don’t have all those digital skills everyone says you need to succeed? There’s a whole new world of digital publishing and we invite you to explore it in these courses.

  • X59.9960 New! Blogging Your Way to Profitability
  • X59.9221 New! Everything You Need to Know about Digital Publishing in the Book Industry: An Introduction for the Non-Techie
  • X59.9966 New! Crossing the Digital Divide: What Print Professionals Need to Know

Find Your Way Freelancing

Writing is the cornerstone of publishing careers. Develop your skills and discover additional opportunities for your career in these exciting new courses.

  • X59.9192 New! Freelance Opportunities in Book Publishing
  • X59.9530 New! Freelance Opportunities in Magazine Publishing
  • X59.9141 New! How to Get Published: A Toolkit for Aspiring Authors

These new offerings are just a selection of our full roster of more than 40 courses. For a complete listing of our courses and to register, please visit the NYU website at http://scps.nyu.edu/publishing. If you have specific questions, please call 212-998-7171 or email pub.center@nyu.edu.

Build a Certificate
You can register for individual courses or start building a Certificate in Editing or Publishing. This valuable credential, recognized by the publishing industry, requires you to take at least five courses over a four-year period. Each of these new courses directly applies to the Editing and Publishing Certificate Programs.

Master of Science in Publishing
Interested in making an even stronger commitment to the publishing industry? If so, you may want to consider NYU’s M.S. in Publishing. This 42-credit graduate degree provides an extensive and in-depth look at all aspects of the industry, including editing, marketing and branding, finance, sales, advertising, law, management and new business development—as well as all the digital skills needed to succeed in this era of multi-platform publishing. All classes are in the evenings and are taught by major leaders in the industry. You can mold the program to your schedule and needs, taking from one to four courses a semester. This valuable degree, recognized by the industry, is designed to educate a new generation

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