Wednesday, September 26, 2007

One of the websites I would like to discuss is … it’s a perfect example of Web 2.0 being brought to life by musicians in need of exposure. According to they offer “a complete solution for bands & artists looking to make a strong internet presence.” They basically take the concept behind MYSPACE MUSIC but add the elements of TOP TEN LISTs and ONLINE “RADIO” PLAY. It amazes me how sites like these are changing the way musicians feel about posting and sharing their material… taking into consideration that most artists have a fear of having their work “stolen” in one way of another if posted on the internet. Ideas that have changed the world usually emerge from “necessity” …

I feel that the need to get “good music” out there is what is making musician seriously consider the internet for building up a fan-base. From one end of the spectrum music-fans no longer have to relay of territorial radio to “tell you” what you should listen to…. The Internet gives them more choices. While at the other end, artists and bands that can’t land that major labels are looking for alternatives to getting their music out there. Places like bring those two” needs” together….
1) They give the MUSICIAN, free music hosting with a basic account (which includes 3 songs) for a fee they can SELL their music on their own through the site….
2) And for the MUSIC-FAN it puts the music choices in their hands… all music on this sites is split up by genre and top ten lists (and languages) …the fan browses the site based on their musical tastes and interest…. You add music to your own playlist (your own radios station)TOP TEN lists are generated by how many times people have clicked on a track and there are always new songs being added as long as there are musicians willing to post their music….

The MACHINE is feed by the users… The MACHINE replaces (on the Internet) the traditional “Radio Programming Director”


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