Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Movie Reviews

For movie reviews I have relied on rottentomatoes for a while. The site has changed a bit over the years, but they have essentially been using the 2.0 concept for years. People write their own reviews of a movie and grade them. The site averages the grades and gives the movie an overall rating that changes daily based on the reviews sent in by users.

Recently I find myself using the site more for the basic movie times and locations as the overall ranking of movies has shifted from my ideals. A few years ago I generally agreed with the ratings they gave movies, but lately I seem to like some movies that get the 'rotten tomato' ranking and vice versa. I'm sure my likes/dislikes have changed, but I think the people writing reviews has changed. It really shows how a site I really liked in the past is becoming out of date for me.

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