Friday, September 21, 2007

Session 1

Thanks to everyone for a really interactive class session class tonight. I hope you all got quite a bit out of it.

Please be sure to check your email for invites to author the blog.

Also be sure to watch "The Machine is Us/ing Us" -- it is the first video in the Web 2.0 Videos clip list below but can also be found here.

Also have a look at the Session 1 links list. These are sites that we covered in class.

I will let you know where next week's class will be held in the next day or so.


Luis Moreno said...
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Luis Moreno said...

I just saw the "The Machine is Us/ing Us" video... the part where it claims that we are "teaching the machine" sort of creeps me out. It feels so much like those sci-fi movies where the "robots" take over humans ...or maybe the ones were the "master computer" takes control over earth (like in the cartoons I watched as a kid… or still do… lol) ...I never saw it that way before honestly. It's almost as if we are watering an "information- plant."'s a beautiful thing, but it's scary because it shows we can evolve past our own imaginations...

I mean… who would have saw this coming back in the 70's for example. Creating communities on a virtual world? …maaan…I just want to go to the Disco on Sat. Night to meet girls!

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